Thursday, October 15, 2015

Paradigm Shifts

A paradigm shift is signaled by a change in views and beliefs about a certain topic as time passes. Throughout history, there have been an enormous amount of paradigm shifts, from things such as fashion trends to the way people talk. It took a really long time for me to think of a couple ideas that weren't the typical paradigm shifts everyone thinks of.

My first idea was the change in the views towards vaccines. Recently, there have been news coverage on the new movement of parents standing up against vaccines. While vaccines were viewed as a miracle working medicine when they were first invented, with the exposure of new facts, parents have begun to believe that certain chemicals used in making vaccines such as Thimersol may be causing autism in children. After this rumor was spread, many parents began to refuse to let their children get vaccines. It's interesting how as we advance medically, things that were once viewed as amazing can so quickly be viewed as a threat.

My second idea is the change in views on reality TV stars. Until recently, there haven't been a lot of reality TV shows aired. However, the crazily high popularity of the infamous show, Jersey Shore, and now Keeping Up with the Kardashians, show the increase in appreciation of these types of shows. In addition to the increase in appreciation, there is also a trend in people looking up to reality TV stars and idolizing them. This is seen by the publicity that the Kardashian family receives, and the insane amount of followers on social media the whole family has.

With these changes in views, it's obvious that beliefs are constantly changing and evolving. These are just two examples of paradigm shifts found throughout history.


  1. I like the first topic that is defiantly due to the fact I despise the reality TV shows. Even though I do not relate to reality shows, that could be a good topic for a paradigm shift. I have heard other theory's against vaccines, which are probably a little more extreme. Either one could work with a little work at narrowing down the subject.

  2. The perception shift for how reality TV shows and their stars are viewed is an interesting topic. You could possibly integrate its affects on self-image, seeing as so many people are interested in how the Kardashians look!

  3. Both ideas sound really good. Personally I'd rather read up on the shift of appreciation to threat in vaccines than reality TV, but I think looking at changes in societal tendencies or something similar could be really interesting too. Either way you've got two topics you could really write a lot on if you get your hands on the right information! And it's always easier to get your hands on more information if you're more interested in the subject, so pick what you're more interested in!
