Thursday, September 3, 2015

So Many Passions, Only One Blog

Brainstorming topics for my passion blog took a lot of introspection, deep breaths, and ice cream. Just kidding, only ice cream was used, and it wasn't even for brainstorming purposes.

After lots of thinking, I've narrowed my ideas down to my two favorites. 

The first being a "College Student vs Pin" blog (I'm still brainstorming blog names) where I test out college related Pinterest pins. Pinterest is a well-known social media site that is filled with a multitude of different crafts, recipes, and life hacks. The downfall of Pinterest is the oftentimes vague or nonexistent instructions. Projects that may seem incredibly straightforward end up failing miserably. Or, projects that looked amazing turn out nothing like how they were pictured. Nevertheless, there are definitely projects that actually turn out wonderfully. With this blog, I can put my passion for crafts and food to use. Each blog post would focus on a new pin that I'd try out, which would range from DIY (do it yourself) crafts to recipes. I would then write about my experiences and whether or not the project worked out. Hopefully through this process I can suggest successful pins that any college student could try out. 

The second blog idea is a lifestyle blog where I would try out and provide reviews on the different fitness classes offered at the Penn State gyms. Living in Atherton this year gives me the luxury of being right next to the gym. Plus, everyone wants to keep off the dreaded "Freshman 15". After attending the wide range of classes offered, I would write a review on the instructor and the class in general to allow others to find a class that they will enjoy. 

Both ideas include activities that I'm passionate about, which makes choosing just one extremely difficult. Hopefully the comments left here and the insight you guys provide will make the decision easier! 


  1. I like the idea of the College Student Vs Pin blog. I can see it actually becoming useful. I'm curious what types of projects you would focus on- all food, crafts, or a variety? I can also see this becoming potentially amusing as you talk about any potential failures or great successes. While the lifestyle blog could be a great insight for Penn State students it may lack some of the originality of your other choice.

  2. Personally, I think that the Pinterest post would be the most interesting and unique. If you did DIYs based on the posts it would be cool to see how they turned out. If you do end up doing the Pinterest post though, I would probably not use the "College Student vs Pin" name, it's kind of ambiguous.

  3. Personally, I think that the Pinterest post would be the most interesting and unique. If you did DIYs based on the posts it would be cool to see how they turned out. If you do end up doing the Pinterest post though, I would probably not use the "College Student vs Pin" name, it's kind of ambiguous.

  4. I really am not a fan of Pinterest at all. I would not be a big proponent of that idea. I can not judge your idea, I do not know how you will or plan to execute this idea. There is potential for the Pinterest centered blog to be good with proper execution, but that is true for any idea. I have bias towards your second option and I would actually read that blog for tips about what exercise classes to potentially attend.

  5. I really like the idea for the Pinterest blog. I am avid Pinterest user and am constantly pinning DIYs I want to try out. However, when I do actually try to execute one of these "super easy" DIYs, it never turns out the way I want. Your blog could document projects you had success with and ones you miserably failed to replicate. Pinterest has so much to offer, in terms of DIYs, recipes, and even tips for living in college dorms. You could stick to DIYs or you could branch out to other projects. This is my vote, but if you decide to choose the fitness class idea, I think you would find a captivated audience for that as well. Good luck with your decision!

  6. Both sound great! But ultimately it depends on an audience bias. Being an athlete I personally don't need the tips on classes to attend at the gym, because I already do things, but for someone else it sounds like it'd be really useful. On the flip side the Pinterest blog sounds like a lot of fun. I personally love to cook when I have the availability and time so recipes sound good to me. The crafts I probably wouldn't look into as much, but that's just me, there are plenty of other people out there to think about; you never know who is actually going to read these. I say choose what you think you will have the most fun with, because the more you're into it, the more is going to flow into your blog, and the more energy it will give your audience! Hope this helps, good luck!

  7. Hali, both of these are viable topics. In the past I've read other student blogs that explore the fitness classes offered at PSU. It's relevant to your audience if they're curious about exercise, for certain, but it might not be quite as creative or fresh as the Pinterest idea. Re-creating a project might have the potential for disaster, but that might be part of the fun. (Anyone who's ever laughed their way though the "NAILED IT" pictures of Pinterest-projects-gone-awry can relate to this. Disasters make great stories and pictures.)

    My only tip: keep your tongue-in-cheek humor, whatever topic you select. You had my full attention by your second sentence due to your wit. Looking forward to reading more. Good luck deciding!
